PORTIONS: For 2x 500 ml jars or 4x 250 ml jars


  • 1 kg green tomatoes (remove peduncle, cut in half and empty the tomato. Dice the tomato halves.
  • 1 green apple (Remove the core with an apple corer). Dice
  • 1 lemon (juice and zest)
  • 500gr sugar
  • 2 tbsp. Water
  • 4 oz Brandy


  1. Put the diced tomatoes and diced apple in a bowl, add the lemon juice. Mix, cover and put in the fridge for 2 hours. Return to mix from time to time.
  2. Put the sugar in a 24cm dutch oven, add the lemon zest and the water. On a low flame, cook the sugar until it is a caramel color.
  3. Add the tomato and apple mixture, mix well with the sugar. Cook for 30 minutes on a low flame, until you get a jam consistency.
  4. During that time, soak your jars upside down in boiling water.
  5. Remove the hot jars from water and pour the jam in it. Let it rest.
  6. Meanwhile cut parchment paper slices the size of your jars openings.
  7. Put the brandy in a little soup bowl and soak your parchment paper slices.
  8. Put the slices on the jars openings and close them with their caps.
  9. Can be stored in the refrigerator.

Eat it with toast, pork and cheese!